

Number of participants

5 to 25 participants


● To promote an exploration of the dynamics between “yes” and “no” in a safe and supportive environment.
● To introduce the idea of consent, power dynamics in intergenerational environments.
● To stimulate improvisation skills.

Where does the activity take place within the process



20 minutes

Material needed


Prepare the room/space so that it is as spacious as it can be, without obstacles.

Step by step description

1. Ask participants to form two rows facing each other, with one line representing “Yes” and the other representing “No” Explain to participants: The person in front of you is your partner, and you are only allowed to move through the space with your partner .

2. Explain that the objective is to convince the other person of your perspective, whether it’s “yes” or “no” but only using the word “yes” or “no”. This depends on your position in one row or another. Participants can however play with the voice volume, speed, gestures, moving through the space and different strategies – begging, seducing, getting angry.

3. Encourage participants to become creative, explore different strategies and ways of convincing, even if they seem unusual.

4. After 4 minutes, have participants exchange roles, with the person who was defending the “Yes” now starts defending the “No” and the other way around.

5. Give 4 minutes to explore the new roles.

Closing up

Close the activity with a brief reflection on the following questions:

● Was it easy or difficult?
● What was easier – defending “Yes” or “No”? Why do you think so?
● What is the objective of the exercise according to you?
● In real life, what is easier for you – to say “yes” or to say “no”?



Comments / hints for facilitators

As this activity can introduce power dynamics, the idea of consent and orders, it may make some participants feel uncomfortable or even upset. Encourage them to openly share their impressions and also make sure to stress beforehand that in case anyone feels uncomfortable participating in any activity, they are free to stand aside and observe. This is s also a very valuable way of participation.