

Number of participants

6 to 20 participants


● To warm up the body and foster alternative communication tools.
● To foster observation and non-verbal communication.
● To connect with the group and be able to cooperate with others.

Where does the activity take place within the process



5 to 10 minutes

Material needed


Prepare the room/space so that it is as spacious as it can be, without obstacles.

Step by step description

1. Ask participants to start walking / moving around the space, telling them that at the beginning they don’t need to pay attention to others, just enough to avoid collisions. They can listen to their body, focus on how the movement feels. Then become more aware of others moving in the space.

2. Ask the participants to become aware of movements in the space, if they notice someone stopping, they should stop (as the facilitator, you can say stop first to encourage participants to try to stop). Tell them: “When someone starts moving again, start moving yourself. Let’s continue moving and stopping like this for a while.

3. Announce that it will be a bit more challenging: After each stop, group members should clap their hands together (once!) as simultaneously as possible. Let them practise this for a while as well.

4. If the group engages well in the activity and maintains intensity in their actions, you can further increase the difficulty by adding stomping on the floor and/or snapping fingers after the stop.
You can add a variation to this activity:
1. Explain to the participants that they will take turns leading a movement of their choice and that the others will mirror their movements. Emphasise that this is an opportunity to listen to their bodies and choose the movement that feels right for them in the moment.
2. As the first participant begins to move, others in the circle mirror their movements. Encourage participants to pay attention to the details and nuances of the movement and try to follow the movement.
3. The first participant “gives” the movement-turn to another participant on their left side. Exercise will continue until everyone has led the movement.

Closing up

Thank the participants for the exercise, share your own observations about the smoothness of the collaboration. Participants should also have the opportunity to explain how they felt after doing the exercise

● How was this practice?
● What was easy, what was difficult?



Comments / hints for facilitators
