Number of participants
● To develop spatial awareness.
● To connect movement with verbal descriptions.
● To foster the expression of meanings through the body.
● To be able to quickly alter movement in response to different contexts and environments.
Where does the activity take place within the process
Material needed
Prepare the room/space so that it is as spacious as it can be, without obstacles.
Step by step description
This activity is divided into four parts. Each part involves participants walking around the room, listening and responding to various instructions.
Part 1: Different Directions
1. Invite participants to form a circle. Explain the exercise. Tell them they will be walking around the room listening and responding to different instructions that will be called out at random intervals.
2. Begin by demonstrating the movements/actions you want them to do in response to the below instructions. Give some options to cater for different levels of agility:
-Forwards – participants walk around the room as normal
-Backwards – participants walk backwards minding their own safety and looking out for others
-Left – participants lead with their left leg and move around the room in a left direction only
-Right – participants lead with their right leg and move around the room to the right only
-Up – Jump up or point hands up in the air quickly and then resume walking
-Down – tip the ground or crouch down briefly and resume walking
-Freeze – Stop and stay still
3. Ask participants to start walking around the room. Encourage them to use the whole room, fill the spaces and avoid walking around in circles.
4. Begin by calling out instructions. Use a loud voice to prompt a brisk and energetic pace. Don’t allow too much time between commands. Keep participants thinking, listening and moving quickly. Change commands frequently and repeatedly. For example, you could mix it up as follows:
-Up, Down, Freeze, Left, Right, Left, Up, Backwards, Forwards, Up, Right, Up, Left, Right, Down, Down, Up, Backwards, Forwards, Freeze.
5. Pause the activity and tell participants they will continue as before, but this time they should do the opposite of the instruction i.e. When they hear Up, they crouch down; when they hear Left, they move right etc.
6. End the exercise by calling Freeze.
7. Move on to the next part of the exercise. Tell participants they will continue to move around the room, this time leading with different body parts.
Part 2: Leading with body parts
8. Ask participants to walk leading with their:
-Belly button
-Big toe
9. Use Freeze to end.
10. Move on to the next part of the exercise. Tell participants they will continue to move around the room, this time at different speeds.
Part 3: Different speeds
11. Ask participants to walk around the room at different speeds:
-Regular pace
-Double speed
-Half speed
-Slow motion
12. Change commands frequently and repeatedly.
13. Use Freeze to end.
14. Move on to the next part of the exercise. Tell participants they will continue to move around the room, this time in different types of environments.
Part 4: Different environments/surfaces
15. Ask participants to walk as if they were in a:
-Hot desert
-Muddy field
-Pebble beach
-Icy footpath
-Sinking sand
-Loud nightclub
-Taking their seat in the cinema
16. Change commands frequently and repeatedly.
17. Use Freeze to end.
Closing up
Ask participants questions:
● What did you notice about how you moved your body in response to different commands?
● How did you adjust from one context to another?
● Which activity was the most difficult? Why?