

Number of participants

6 to 20 participants


● To foster a sense of being seen and acknowledged within the group.
● To encourage storytelling and foster imagination for participants
● To create a safe space for participants to share thoughts and emotions.
● To introduce mime work.

Where does the activity take place within the process (beginning, middle, end)

At any time in the process


20 to 40 minutes

Material needed


Ask the participants to sit / stand creating a circle or half-circle (so that everyone can see and hear each other)

Step by step description

1. Tell the participants: “This exercise should get our imagination started. Let’s see what kind of moods and energies we’re starting (or concluding) this workshop with: If your mood were an animal, what would it be, and where would it be/what would it be doing? Take a moment to think, and then let’s see what kind of moods we’re working with today.”

2. You can do this exercise in three ways:
– Everyone shares their animal story by talking.
– Before telling the story of their animal, participants mime it.
– Participants share their story, and others in the group express the story in images or with sound.

3. Once you have chosen the way you want to do this exercise, ask participants to choose and express their animal one after the other.

Closing up

You can ask the group:

● What do you want to say about this exercise?
● Can a person’s mood be deduced from their animal representation?
● What kind of “zoo” would this be to manage?



Comments / hints for facilitators

This can also be quite a humoristic start for the workshop, it can break the ice, but it is also a good way to close the workshop to reflect on it.